Art Awareness
Lesson Plans

2023-24 Deep Space Sparkle Lesson Library

This includes lessons organized by grade, art elements, and artistic movements. You may also find a lesson in a grade above or below yours that will still work well for your grade, with a few adjustments!

For some lessons, you may need to adjust the lesson slightly in order for it to fit within your 60 minute window (or you may decide to extend the project over two lessons). 

New lessons get added to this library each month, as we are able to unlock more lesson bundles from Deep Space Sparkle's teacher membership. 

Some lessons reference showing a video - it is not necessary in order to teach the lesson, but if you want to use it you will need to log into the Sparkler's Club.

Parent Created Lessons

This is an archive of old lessons that parents have created themselves and used in the past.


You can also follow Walnut Acres Art Awareness on Pinterest where we have created topic-based boards. The Pinterest account is called artawareness and user name is WA Art: