What is the PFC?

Walnut Acres Parent Faculty Club 

Mission Statement

The Walnut Acres Parent Faculty Club’s primary mission is to ensure the ongoing improvement of the academic education and experience for each child at Walnut Acres.  Through fundraising efforts, we can focus on maintaining and enhancing existing programs as well as developing new ones to make Walnut Acres a better learning community.

PFC Objectives:

1. Build common understanding as it relates to 21st Century learning.

2. Increase participation at any level in fundraising and corporate matching.

3. Increase support of families who are new to our community. 

What does "PFC" stand for? 

"PFC" stands for "Parent Faculty Club" of Walnut Acres Elementary. Unlike a PTA, a PFC does not require membership fees. It is an independent non-profit. 

How does the PFC promote its mission?

The PFC sponsors many activities, fundraisers, programs and volunteer efforts throughout the year. Click here for a list of fundraisers and what they support.

Who Belongs to the PFC and are there membership dues?

Membership is automatically granted to the parents or legal guardians of children attending Walnut Acres Elementary School and the faculty of the school.  In lieu of membership dues, an annual revenue campaign shall be conducted at the beginning of each school year (Jaguar Fund).

What is the PFC Board?

The PFC Board is composed of parent volunteers, the principal and two teacher representatives. Parent volunteers serve as officers (PFC executive committee) and chairpersons for over 30 committees.  Over 50 parents currently hold PFC Board positions. 

What is the PFC Executive Committee?

The Executive Committee is comprised of the president, vice president of activities, vice president of communications, vice president of community relations, secretary, treasurer, financial secretary and the school principal in an advisory role. The Executive Committee meets once per month and conducts routine business and makes recommendations to the membership on matters of major concern. 

How does the PFC Board get filled?

A Nominating Committee, coordinated by the current PFC president begins to meet in February each year.  This committee then seeks out nominees for each board position and presents a slate of candidates to be voted on at the May PFC meeting.

How can I get on the PFC Board? 

PFC board positions are open to any Walnut Acres parent and do not require previous board experience.  We ask that you commit to a position for a minimum period of two years.  Contact president@walnutacrespfc.net if you are interested in getting involved.

How can I stay current with what the PFC is doing?

There are many ways to stay informed.  Specifically, issues are openly discussed and voted on at our monthly PFC meetings, which occur on the third Tues. of each month at 7 PM on Zoom.  All are welcome to attend and speak.  Minutes of these meetings can be found on-line. The PFC also sends out a bi-weekly Enews.

How can I stay current with what is happening in our community that is related to the PFC? Sign up for our online directory and communication tool, Konstella, and visit this website for up-to-date information about the PFC. 

How does the PFC come up with its budget each year? 

Click here to learn about the budget process.

Where do the PFC's income and expenses come from and what do they look like for the current year?

Click here for a review of the current year budget.

What is the process for spending PFC funds?

Click here for an explanation of how PFC funds are spent.

What if I still have more questions about PFC finances or want to see the "Profit and Loss Statement" or "Balance Sheet?"

The current Profit and Loss Statement and the Balance Sheet are included with each General Meeting's Board Minutes. Please go to: PFC Board Dates, Agendas and Minutes to view.