Shop & Earn

Shop at your favorite places to earn money for Walnut Acres! 

1. Scan Receipts to Boxtops 

2. Become a Sports Basement Basementeer with donations to Walnut Acres PFC!  

3. Dine & Donate

Order delivery, pick-up, or dine in at a rotating restaurant each month and mention "Walnut Acres" for a percentage of your order to be donated!  

Watch your E-news for a Dine & Donate event each month!

Boxtops for Education has gone digital! Click the Boxtops image to download the app. Scan your store receipts within 14 days. The app will credit applicable purchases to Walnut Acres. Each boxtop is worth 10 cents. Traditional boxtops are being phased out but you can still clip them and drop them off at school.